Thursday, June 30, 2011

Today is the day.... announce our June Giveaway winner! But first let me say a BIG thank you to everyone who entered and left a comment. It was fun to read about summer memories and traditions. Isn't summer great?!

And the winner of our first giveaway is......
 Congratulations to you! Your fabulous package will be delivered shortly.

Also, be sure to check back with us in a few days for the unveiling of our July Giveaway - more great stuff!!!


  1. HOORAY!!!!! I am a winner! I won over everyone else! I am the awesomest! No one can beat me! I am totally a humble winner!!! Hooray for me!!!!!

  2. Is it too late for a recount? I think Denise is way too humble about her win...she doesn't seem excited enough.
