Friday, April 8, 2011

Favorite Friday

Well, this Friday is almost over and I am just now getting myself and my thoughts together to put a post out for you to read. Partly because I wasn't sure what to talk about, partly because I just got back from vacation and I'm working through the laundry piles and partly because I was able to enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend.

And then it dawned on me what my favorite thing is of all time!
F A M I L Y.
As I mentioned, I just got back from a vacation to California where my parents, brother and extended family live {although I try to get them to move to be closer to me.} Jacob and I were invited to spend some time with my family while my husband manned the home front for us.

What is family to me....
belly laughs
hard work
spiritual foundation
green grass foothills
homemade icecream
a good cry
warm breezes
long hugs
creative brainstorming
bbq and delicious meals
old friends
.....and much more!

Here are a few pictures from our time together.
In-N-Out is a must.

The girls. Headed to a Beth Moore conference! Such a special time.

Dirt.....any boys favorite play toy.

Uncle Chody made a special trip home - thank you!

Grandpa and Grandma - lovin' on Jacob.

In a few weeks I get to visit my in-laws which will be exciting as well. I am blessed with family and I hope that my legacy as a mom will be to continue to have family be a blessing to my children.

What are some of your favorite family memories? Do share!


  1. Love it! But I'm glad you are back because you are my Colorado family.

  2. Love it. Family can be good times. But yes, I agree with Amy. I have been blessed by our Colorado family -- all of us who came together a long time ago when we were far from our home families. God is good to us!
