Monday, April 11, 2011

A creative challenge!

Hello there!

My bedroom has always been a work in progress. Very little matches and fits together well so I am continually looking for new ideas to make it look like what I dream up in my head {or rather what I see in magazines and in the blog world.} So when I came across this picture....

...I fell in love with all of the pillows and decided to give myself a creative challenge. The challenge: to make at least one of each style pillow in this picture. I'm not sure if I will use all of the pillows in my bedroom but they will be used somewhere around my house.

I've already made this one - - - and it turned out so cute!

So, over the next few weeks, I will show you each pillow I've made along with a tutorial on how to make them. If you feel inspired or need a change in your pillows - please join me! But be sure to check back to see the progress, instructions and final products.


  1. I love it! Teach me. I want to make a pillow in gray and turquoise. Or, you could just make it for me.

  2. Will you make me the dress in the picture?! :-) Hee hee! Just being silly! You go girl. I may have to put in some pillow orders - we are midway through redoing our room too.
