Monday, March 7, 2011

The best craft ever!

So Amy and I belong to a craft group that meets once a month. Sometimes I'm not sure I fit the bill for this group because the ladies in it are much better at crafts than I am. But I have a fun time getting together with these gals and there is always a yummy dessert to be devoured!

This past month was my month to host. So I thought I would share some pictures of our night and our craft. My title of this post is "the best craft ever!!" because I think it truly is. What constitutes that definition you ask? Well, for me it means....EASY, inexpensive, useable and I can't just make one, I have to make a gazillion.

We made silk flowers that you can use as a pin, clip, headband....or a garnish on just about everything. I got this idea from my friend, Emily's, FABULOUS website
where you can find step by step instructions on how to make your very own.

So I gathered all of our supplies and explained how to make it.

I showed them some samples and then let them loose to design and create their own. It was so fun to see what each person came up with. Here are a few pictures of the ladies and their final products. {I apologize for the quality of these pictures, I took all of them with my IPod.}

Headbands and pins.

Amy's hair pin was made for her daughter Ava whose hair is perfect for this pin!!

And of course.....our dessert! I could have eaten five of these if it weren't for all the women around!

I think overall it was a fun night and the ladies enjoyed themselves. I am on my way to making a gazillion and one silk flowers. Thanks Em!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelsey,
    I hope you don't mind me stalking your blog. I found it on your fb page, and LOVE the ideas and links you share. :) The Jones Design Company website was especially amazing. You have some creative friends, and if you do mind, please let me know. I don't want to overstep, considering we don't know each other. I do, regardless, think you're quite talented.
    ~Lacie Hartman ♥
