Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Creative Project - Baby Boy Room

Hello. One of the things I'm hoping to accomplish on this blog is to share creative projects with you. Maybe I've done them myself or I've seen someone else work on them but either way, I hope they inspire you to try something new or find encouragement that there is an end in sight for your current project.

One of my favorite places in my house is my son's bedroom. He just turned one so it is a baby room yet when brainstorming ideas for the space I wanted to make sure it was something he could grow with. So far, it has proved to do just that.

Catalogs and blogs of baby rooms are always so themed. I couldn't ever land on one that I liked more than another. So, my theme just became "anything boy".....bugs, animals, a little western, a little  lot of pattern, maps, transportation, etc. My colors: red, blue, green, brown, yellow, white.

So below are some pictures of the transformation {it used to be our guest room}. It took about a week to pull together all of the main components {thanks to my mom!} and I continue to tweak the extra paraphernalia that make the room inviting.

The Guest Room

The brown wall you see here is also in the baby room. I didn't want to take the time to paint over it so I incorporated the color into the stripes we used on the other walls.
Masking and Painting

It definitely takes a lot of time to mask off your paint area but it is worth it in the end. We also used silicone to help our paint not to bleed past the tape. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't on our textured walls.

Finished Stripes

Green {Olive}, Navy Blue {Moon Shade}, Red {Cabin Red}, Baby Blue {Porcelain Blue}, Brown. All Valspar from Lowes and all Matte Finish.


This material was an awesome find! We trimmed it out in a camel colored corduroy. They are heavy, dark and lined....and they do a good job keeping out the light for nap time!

Crib Skirt

I am not afraid of mixing patterns {as you can see}. The repeat use of the navy star material {same as the curtains} pulls the look of the room together. The giraffe print adds some fun and the strip gives us some color freedom. So cute!


Be sure to check back because I will be adding more pictures of some added "boyness" that makes the room more complete!

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